Friday, November 30, 2007

Award Winning Baby Name

Sometimes I am sorry I asked.

Meconium Phoenix (Phoenix was probably spelled Fenyx but whatever)

For those of you that don't know:

Meconium- is the first stool of an infant, composed of materials ingested during the time the infant spends in the uterus: Intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, and water.


sierra said...

I just stumbled across your blog the other day. I love it.

My grandmother worked as a nurse in the OB. I remember her always telling me that one of the women wanted to name her baby girl 'Vagina'. English was not her first language and she thought it sounded 'pretty' when she heard the doctors and nurses using the word.

Unknown said...

Please tell me you are kidding. Did a patient there really name their child that?!?

BTW- your blog is fantastic!!

Sarah said...

Make it stop.

Katherine said...

Maybe this is the younger sibling of a child named Shithead (pronounced Shi-theed), or the fabled babies born into the toilet who are named John, La Trina, or Loo. And maybe the family dog is named Poopsy...

Tripp, Jack, Charlotte said...

ummm this isnt the labor story for that baby is it?

Tripp, Jack, Charlotte said...

That is the end of the link...

l&d.rn said...

Nope, if my patient has an epidural only working on one side we fix the problem. (Plus it was a boy).

Tripp, Jack, Charlotte said...

I agree- meconium is more of a masculine name...definitely would have thought of it for a boy...

Anonymous said...

Holy. Effing. Crap. Who does that to a kid?

I'm not sure I have ever posted but I have been reading for awhiel now and I LOVE your blog! Hi Sierra!

Anonymous said...

Awhile. I can spell. I promise.

Amanda said...

Love it! We had triplets named Cash, Money and Cent last year. I also love Marcadees (Mercedes). Since they don't actually own one, they had no clue how to spell it!

S said...

From another previous l&d your blog and ohmygosh can I relate. The weirdest name I remember,ok two: Ethelina Maudette and Placenta. Poor kids!

Heather said...

My most recent best (last month) was Silver da Silva..hellooo!!?? poor your blog, i think youre my alter ego!!

OBRNinNE said...

We joke about that as a possible name all the time...I can't believe you saw it happen in real life! It sounds like your unit is similar to mine...I share your pain.

Anthony Nicholson said...

So, did a mother name their kid Meconium (1) while you were present, (2) on your shift?

Or (like I suspect) is this just a story that the L&D nurses like to throw around, that you've claimed as your own to make your blog funnier?

Seriously. No shame in admitting you were repeating a "story" the other nurses told you.

If not, can you remember any details about the birth at all?

l&d.rn said...

Keep reading and you will see I have no problem telling when a story is borrowed.

Shannon said...

My mom told me that while she was in the hospital delivering me (28 years ago), a lady down the hall named one of her twins "Muconium." Some people...

Chris said...

Love your blog...just happened upon it. Here are a couple other great names from an aunt, an OB nurse.

Asshole (pronounced A-Shol-ie)
Milika (prounounced Me-Like-A and the last name was Cox)...

Scubabritta said...

I wanted to share some of the weird names that I have come across in life.

Pleasure-A Boy
Sexana-A Girl
Claymidia-after the STD
and Dasani after the water because the mom had no other clue.

Anonymous said...

we recently had a Giddiniah Vandertool, followed by Kithera Dool about a week or so later. But my favorite that I have ever actually seen is Hawer Nostrom. Say it fast...sounds like a bad word. Ha ha.

Curt, Colleen, CJ and Cassidy said...

I'm a fellow L&D nurse and yes I too have a story about crazy names...

Mom giving birth "Conception"
Baby born "Meconium"

No lie...!

Unknown said...

Just call me "Mike"

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