Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kill me now.

A couple of years ago when I got a new computer I also bought a flash drive to back up all my files and transfer them to the new computer. I did not discriminate but just downloaded everything, including some photos that were later deleted off my computer because no one needs to see them (if you catch my drift). I never used that flash drive again and haven't seen it in over a year.

I just got a call from my boss that this flash drive was found in a classroom and IT had opened it and identified it as mine. She kept apologizing. I can see why. Apparently my husband found and used it for a presentation he gave at the hospital I work at last week and then left it in the classroom there.

I might never go back to work.


  1. I love love love this blog. I am a L&D nurse too and can TOTALLY identify. November was hillarious..I am on to October next. Thanks for the laughs.

  2. I love this blog. I randomly stumbled across it and was interested (I'm well into my 3rd pregnancy). The night I found it I read the whole thing. Thanks for some great laughs (my husband and friends thank you too).

  3. Oh my god. I'd be horrified. But at least it was only IT who opened it up to see who owned it and no one else...imagine who could have had that information...it definitely could have been worse!

  4. ps...I know just from talking to our IT gurus...they come across some wild things. Hopefully yours was among their tamer findings ;-)
