Saturday, December 15, 2007

A GYN Emergency

Last week a frantic woman in her early 20's presented to the ER for what she called "a gynecological emergency". Since her doctor was up on L&D at the time and the ER hates anything GYN related, they sent her on up.

It would seem that the girl, apparently a virgin, sexually frustrated and amazingly unfamiliar with her own anatomy decided to take matters into her own hands and get it on with a coffee straw. She managed to shove the entire straw up her urethra and it was now, according to the ultrasound, lodged and kinked in her bladder. She was quickly passed on to urology.

I am going to guess if she had realized that her urethra was not the correct choice ahead of time she would have picked a different utensil.


  1. Ow ow ow ow ow.

    ::crosses legs::

    There's a reason no idiot off the street can put a foley in!

  2. I wonder how big she thinks penises are.

  3. I think I just got an UTI from reading that.

  4. OMG I'm glad she's a virgin. People like that should not be able to reproduce. Good lord.

  5. I'm glad she saved herself for the coffee stirrer. It would have been tragic if she'd given it up to the turkey baster.

  6. I'm baffled that anyone no matter how inexperienced would think something that small and hard to find would be the correct um, opening. Wow, and Ow.

    And when she selected the coffee straw - did she think "hmm..this must be similar to a penis." ??!?

  7. Methinks she had a mental disability. Oddly enough, I've seen the same thing (straw in the urethra) among Down's women a few times. It's unlikely someone THIS clueless had an OB/GYN, something's off about that part of the story...

  8. OUCH, my meatus is is clenched in pain right now-uggggggg

  9. Yeah, got a visual and am feeling the pain!
