Sunday, December 30, 2007

OK, I lied.

I said I would give you a new post, but instead I got the life sucked out of me that night so instead of depressing you all it will have to wait another day. Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a nurse but I have worked in the care industry before and I just want to acknowledge the other side of the coin of what you do.

    I'm 38 wks pregnant and came across your site today purely by chance. This is the first blog I've ever signed up for - just brilliant! Very wittily written; I have forwarded it on to my nurse friends who will get where you're coming from. I can't believe some of the rankled comments you get at times, but then again, I can because I've worked with people and know how people can be...

    I hope you have many years worth of tale-sharing ahead of you, and goodness knows its probably amongst the best therapy you could get!

    May these types of shifts be few for you :)
