Sunday, February 3, 2008

A couple of random thoughts.

I am glad I am not working tonight. I really don't want to have to deal with

1) The women that are feeling neglected from all the football hoopla and have suddenly gone into "Labor"

2) The backlash from that article that appeared a couple of days ago on MSN about the woman that delivered her baby in her sweat pants in the driveway after being sent home from a labor check


  1. I am working tonight. Now I am scared.

  2. About the woman being sent home after a labor check - how many women do we send home, not in labor, or in early labor? Tons. How many end up delivering shortly after we sent them home? Not too many.

    However, you can bet that more OB docs will be keeping those r/o labor patients even longer on observation in L&D. Holding up even more beds that we need for active laboring women.

  3. I am also wondering how much back talk we are going to get from patients. I haven't been in since but I swear if someone throws monitor parts at me again...

  4. How about the ladies who show up practically crowning because they figured they could make it "a little bit longer" like their husbands were asking for...or in the case of my region...the women who wanted to watch the whole game, only to be disappointed by the ending and then realized the strong braxton hicks they've been having were actually labor?

    In regards to the labor check...c'mon, we all know that the babies born in pants legs are usually 9&9 babies who come out kicking and screaming. If your baby comes that fast, more power to you. Call 911 and enjoy the ride. SOrry..that was cold. I'm just getting home!

  5. Whew...all the labor and delivery drama makes me glad to have had c-sections!

  6. Love the comments - They are all so true!!

  7. Um, that actually happened at the hospital where I work a few days ago. I haven't seen the article so I don't know if it is actually about our patient, but, yeah. That did literally happen, here. Last week.
    You know what else happened, yesterday? Among the 14 babies that were born on this unit (not counting the new unit we have for normal laboring patients) during my shift yesterday, with like 3 demises, a father of the baby comes out of the room screaming "the head's out!" & sure enough, as I was on the phone with a resident, trying to get him to come to deliver this precipitous baby, we heard it crying. So my conversation went something like this, "Um we have a head out, er, uh... yeah the baby's out in room ___."
    The joys of labor & delivery.
