So life got the best of me, and well....I got busy.
This one wasn't the was totally the doc.
A woman came in to deliver baby number 10. She was nearly 40, advanced maternal age and probably, while most of us would have been long done having kids she and her husband, who were both very religious were going to let what may happen, happen.
Her OB was out of town, and since she is in practice by herself, another doctor was covering for her. He came in to deliver the baby and after the delivery asked if they were doing her tubal the next day. The woman's husband spoke up and said, "No, we would never do that."
"You're going to have more kids?" the doctor asks.
"God tells us that may be in his plan for us."
"God talks to you?"
From the completely mocking tone I can tell this conversation is going downhill fast.
"You should be evaluated for that."
I try and change the subject to the baby quickly which seems to work but only temporarily. Before the doctor leaves the room he sneaks up behind the dad and bellows out in an ominous voice. "This is God...Get a tubal."
I wanted to die.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Posted by
4:47 PM
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1 – 200 of 353 Newer› Newest»I would have been mortified too! What does the doctor care how many kids they have? He gets paid just the same. What an asshat.
P.S. Good to see you're back!
While this is a completely horrendous situation for the family and you, it is slightly funny that the doc is such a dumb a**. OH MY GODNESS. Glad to see you back, too!!
That was an awful thing for the doctor to do, but absolutely HILARIOUS. While I don't believe in God, I would never push my beliefs on someone else. I can't imagine how you would deal with that... lol, like everyone else has already said, it's good to see you posting again.
What an @sshole! I hope they report him.
lmao!! That is TOO funny!
I'm kind of in shock over that doctors behavior. Why would he care how many kids these people had and how could he think his behavior was ok in any way, shape or form?
that's just appalling. So tell us, are doctors frequently kind of asshat-y? Not as bad as that, but what kind of remarks do they have behind the scenes too? My dr let out a good one when I was in labor with my last son, I wanted to argue with him but I was too busy pushing the 10 lb baby that he told me was too big for me.
YAY!!! You're back!
I don't know how I'd react, either. I have a feeling I would want to die, as well...
BUT, unfortunately, some docs are just jerks. Period. Sigh...
So what if this couple was okay with more kids? They keep OB's and hospitals in business, don't they? ;-)
Welcome back!
What an a##! If more people have kids then he gets more $$.
holy crap! does this doctor have a god complex maybe?
glad to see you're back. although i was hoping to be comment #100 in the previous post. :-)
ok, just came across your blog throught google reader and i love it-i'm adding you to my feed. thanks!
No, not all doctors are jerks although sometimes when you find a gem they will shine through anything. It is much easier for them to act that way to patients that aren't their own though. This is really one of those things (of many) to keep in mind when selecting an OBGYN that is practice alone. You have no clue who migh be covering for them.
I'm a small family kind-of person myself, but how horrible...
This is one of those times where you wish the mom had a catheter that could "accidentally" be disconnected - right on the doctor's lovely pants and shoes.
OMG! A doctor has no right to suggest that or judge or put pressure of that sort unless it's medically necessary. That's crazy, but hey, doctors do like to play God, right?
OMG that is so unprofesional of the DR! How awful for the parents to be outwardly judged like that.
I'm so glad you are back!
Talk about lack of professionalism...geeez!
P.S. I found your blog today and am seriously enjoying my down time at work.
You know, I'm sure that family has heard remarks like that before, although probably not from a doctor. I think if you have the means and desire to take care of a large family, then it's your business. Ten kids is a lot, but there are Europeans that would think 4 kids makes a "large" family; it's all relative.
Thanks for a laugh.
I'm sure that dr. thought he was so original with that line of thinking. I'm pretty sure the parents of 10 heard the "tubal" remark about 5 or 6 kids ago...
That is a very horrible thing for the doc to do... but I agree with others that is totally hilarious! It would be something I would want to do that I don't have the nerve to do!
But 10 holy cow thats alot of kids.
And I'm so glad to see you back!!!!!
Someone needs some happy pills!
Welcome back!
I cannot believe how rude that doctor was!! I really hope he gets reprimanded for that! Whatta jerk!
Hooray! Welcome back! AS for the doc, OMFG!
Oh... my. How unprofessional. Fine to have an opinion, not so good to feel like you have to share it.
Nevertheless, glad to have you back!
I would be pissed, and if I were the patient, would consult with Board of Ethics for the hospital.
What a very "house-esque" thing to say! Hilarious though! Glad to see you back and I selfishly hope that your life calms down enough so that you can entertain us more often. As you can tell you were missed!
Ha Ha! I love dumb doctors. And I am so happy that you are back!!!
Why is God against vasectomies?
I can't believe that doctor!! Women having babies is job security to ob's I would think. Its not his place to pass judgement on how many.
Glad to see you back!!
Welcome back!!!
If I were the patient, I'd report him too.
But since I'm not, I'm just glad you had something to blog about. I laughed out loud. I've MISSED you!
HA! That's great! Love it!
So glad you're back! I have e-mailed this blog out to every woman I know! This latest story just about killed me with laughter. Yes, that's a bold thing to say to someone, but I would have laughed my @ss off if I had been in the room. Congrats to you for your professionalism!
Thanks for posting again! I would have died of embarrassment!
First of all, I want to say I adore your blog. Cracks me up.
I can't believe the doctor said that. I'm not a religious person at all, but I would never mock someone who has faith. That's very personal. What a douche.
You're Back!!! Horray!!!!
I can't believe the gonzaga's on that doctor. I would've been mortified as well...even if that might be the best option (who's to really say) you do not speak it out loud--to the husband none-the-less--holy crap!
Welcome back!
What a mean Doctor!!! I mean I would have stopped about 6 kids ago, but to each his own!!!
Another goodie!
Thanks for sharing.
If I had been the woman, I would have called someone about that. I don't know who, but I wouldn't have stopped calling that hospital until I was sure that doctor was going to be reprimanded. Even if you're not religious, he was totally inappropriate.
I would be a little ticked....
Welcome back
This is why I'm giving homebirth a shot this time around. Don't wait too long to post again, we missed them big time ;-)
Unprofessional but funny as hell!
Oh my goodness.
Man, I would have filed a complaint so fast... not that I think it's great for people to have tons and tons of kids (I feel that the kids don't get enough individual attention), but it's none of my business as long as they can take care of them and afford them.
Oh my - that is crazy ... 10 kids is a lot, but to each their own ... wow thanks for sharing ... i would have to pick my jaw up off the ground to walk away!
I would love for you to share how doctors lie to patients...mine tried to tell me I couldn't poop or pee because the baby's head was in the way. When he did a cervical check, baby was high and floating. Funny thing, as I pushed (for an hour and 1/2) I was peeing because I was not allowed to go pee in the toilet though I begged to (my baby was born with an intact bag of waters so I know it wasn't amniotic fluid). What other things to OB's lie about?
Wow, how disrespectful of the dr.!
Okay, I totally support anyone's right to have as many or as few kids as they choose (or none at all). But that was still pretty funny.
I can see the Dr.'s point, in that I imagine 10 pregnancies had wreaked havoc on her body, and that many kids seems kind of irresponsible to me anyway, but that was absolutely NOT the way to handle it. I think he would have been within acceptable boundaries to give a couple (health) reasons he thought it was a good idea, but the way he handled it was absurd. Funny though.
Welcome back! My mornings at work have not been the same without your blog updates. I'm going to be selfish too and say I hope your life calms down so you can entertain us more.
I'm going to preface this by saying "Yes, the doc was out of line for making those comments to mom and dad" but holy heck how did you keep a straight face??? I would have been rolling by the time the doc spoke as God to dad.
Oh my gosh! Are you kidding me! That totally sounds like something that would just happen in TV land! So glad you are BACK!
oh no he did NOT! Oh, I would have died! Glad you're back to writing, though!
LOL! Methinks a certain doctor has been watching too much House...
ohmigod, i'm sorry, but i think that's hilarious. i mean,of course it's their business how many children they have, but it's still funny.
What a craptastic doctor. Good to see the crazies have found you once again!
What a jerk. If I were you I would report him. Can you imagine someone doing that to you while you're trying to enjoy the first moments with your new baby?
I've turned in a surgeon before for placing a sterile dressing on top of poop. He didn't want to wait for us to clean up the patient who had just had an accident. When I said something he said the wound would get infected anyway and left. I cleaned up the patient, re did the dressing, and reported him.
So glad you're back. Wow, not sure what I would do if a Doc did that to me.
I'm a nurse too, and a doctor thinking he is God is nothing new to me..... :)
First, I LOVE your blog! Don't let a single narrow minded twit in your comments section scare you off. After 4 kids, my OB has given me a few doozies of stories. And, I'm sure, at one time or another I've done something that was later story-worthy for someone else. ;)
Second, while I would be completely mortified if a doctor (albeit one I didnt choose on my own) ever said that comment to me, I'd have been livid (!!!), BUT I laughed SO HARD when I read it in your blog. Great humor, but probably not used with the most tact possible.
Keep up the AWESOME comic relief!!! I love it!!
Mortifying at the moment and hilarious after the fact. WOW, I can't believe he did that though ...:) :)
I LOVE YOU! I feel like I have a twin! I am sharing this post with all of my co-workers and friends! You are brilliant.
Thrilled to see a new post! My mother is one of 15 children because of those kind of beliefs, and after hearing her horror stories I think the doctor's comment was innappropriate but hysterically funny. Thanks for the tale!
I am literally lol right now! How horrible of that dr to be that way to them but still... That is just too funny! I have 3 kids, 2 with disabilities and I get plenty of comments from both sides(aka "please don't have any more" or "you're done right" or "so when are you gonna have another" or "are you gonna try for a girl next time") Nice! I say let people do as they please.
Hilarious, but stupid of him. People who have ten kids don't get tubals - if you believed in that kind of thing, you'd have one after baby #4, not baby #10!
I'm so glad you're back! I missed reading your blog.
I am soooo glad to see you back!!!
Isn't it just amazing what will come out of some people's mouths?!
Did he forget that he gets paid everytime this woman has a baby?
Perhaps he was speaking on behalf of God. I mean there is the story in the Bible where God speaks through an Ass, this doesn't appear to be any different.
What a jerk.
omg! talk about bedside manner! can't the doc get in trouble for that? that would have been embarrassing. even more so if you started laughing which i surly would have!
I find that completely, totally, and fully hilarious.
I would have paid to be a fly on the wall.
Judgemental of the doc, yes.
But freaking hilarious!
Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone. He really should have kept his comments to himself, or maybe shared his thoughts in private with the nurse or the doc he was covering for.
OMG!!! I can't believe the doc did that! I guess he figured he didn't have anything to lose since it wasn't his patient? That's hysterical, but really rude!!
While I think the comment was completely inappropriate it still didn't stop me from laughing out loud. If I were there in person, however, I would have felt very uncomfortable. It's definitely like watching an episode of House. Do you have any back stories to catch up after your long absence? I love this blog!
I am also happy you are back. I agree with some of the previous comments. Although he should have kept those thoughts to himself or just shared it with the professional staff in the room, had I seen that on a hosptial TV show, I would have laughed my a$$ off.
i think it is funny! lighten up!
Oh. My. Goodness.
Great to see you back and read some more awesome stories!
OMG that is funny, in a sick and twisted kinda sorta way.
I just recently discovered your blog. I too am a labor and delivery nurse and have some great stories that are hilarious. My co-workers and I ahve always said that we could write a book and people wouldn't believe it, but as I am sure you know I really could make stuff like this up!!!
OMG...I would have slapped him. Seriously, I could have used whatever drugs I was taking as my excuse, right? This is the same type of doctor who will give a mom a hard time for turning down prenatal testing, or not doing an amnio of their screen comes back funky. After 16 level II ultrasounds (watching a partial ubruption that happened at 16 weeks) my daughter was born at 35 weeks with a genetic surprise. Down Syndrome. My OB wasn't on call, but his partner was. All the partners in the practice knew me well by that point. Anyway, a few hours after delivery MY doctor sat in my room, and with tears in his eyes said, "this shouldn't have happened. We should have caught this in time." I asked, "Do you mean "this", as in the DS?" He said yes. I replied with "There's a REASON you didn't catch "it". It's because she's SUPPOSED to be hear. It's not a death sentance, it's only Down Syndrome!" Took him awhile (knowing my daughter for several months) to figure out what I meant by that.
Ugh. How incredibly rude and arrogant of that doctor!
But I did chuckle. :) I imagine that with 10 kids, that's not the first time someone has behaved that way towards them. I know a lot of large families and this kind of garbage is regularly thrown at them.
I only have three kids and people freely make comments about my fertility and when dh or I are getting "fixed".
Everybody wants to be a social engineer, apparently.
I agree with the doctor completely. These people are having too many kids and one of them (the husband or the wife, I don't care which) should get fixed. Maybe the doctor doesn't consider this more money for him, but actually cares about the world we're living in, and the overpopulation this couple is contributing to. And he's right, if these folks think god is talking to them and telling them to keep breeding, they should be treated as mentally disturbed.
Oh my! While he is an ass for saying what he said, I do find it funny. One of those moments where you could think it, but should not say it.
This is pretty darn funny! It's not right that the doctor said that... but it is hilarious!
What a pompous jerk to not only *suggest* a tubal, but then to ridicule the parents for their faith. How does he think this is ANY of his business?? I hope the father was able to put his religion aside and stop loving thy neighbor long enough to file a complaint.
Hee hee...come on, that's just funny. My mom's been an RN for 35 years, with 11 in labor and delivery, so I was sure she'd heard it all. Even she howled at this story. :-)
lol... just confirms my opinion of doctors... some have a "god complex"... maybe he said that because he's got it too ! Hey, it saves the man upstairs some work, doesn't it???
Great blog! Keep up the stories... I am a dental assistant, and have heard/witnessed some doozies of my own! Love the way you put down your thoughts and stories!!!
While it's not exactly the doc's business how many kids these people are going to's still hilarious!!!! I would have a hard time keeping a straight face LOL
OMG! I would have left the room!
I am SOOO glad you are back!! YAY!
Don't all docs think they are God? He's just speaking for docs everywhere....;)
I Love your blog!! Your sense of humour is so similar to mine!! It is my pick me up!
I have 2 words for this doc....
Duggar Family.
They have had 17!
So glad you had more to share. I come to your site often for my latest laughs and promptly share with my colleagues.
I, too, am a nurse, but since my patients don't talk in the NICU, I don't hear the funnies I used to in the adult world of health care.
That was before this week.
Mom gives birth in local shelter. EMS is called. Mom comes to our facility. When Mom comes over to visit infant she begins to, um, share. (Oh the stories the L&D nurses must have on her!)
Mom tells us she gave birth to this infants twin 3 mos ago, but that the baby now resides on Mars.
Mom says FOB is Dezzy Ball (sp.?) and that she and FOB occupations are "actors, Girls Scouts, veterans of the constitutional law." Huh?
IT never ceases to amaze me what rolls out of their mouths. I work nights and I often wonder if they are even awake. We crashed a prolapsed cord and then removes an ovarie (she was scheduled to be done later but you know how it goes) and when she wakes up he sayes your baby is fine but I'm not so sure about the ovarie, I sure hope it's not cancer. We'll see you in the morning. And LEAVES.
Just discovered your blog and I think its hilarious. I work in the medical field as well so these things make me laugh. Very unprofessional of the doctor, but also completely hilarious!
Is that doctor married? Because I feel like proposing. ...Even though I also heartily disapprove. But still. It is so funny.
I just found your blog and have to say, as a mother of 4, it is frickin hillarious. It is good, also, to help me remember when my kids get a little crazy... it could be worse!
This made me laugh - however, if I was the clown car vagina, I mean, woman, I'd be GREATLY OFFENDED by this.. LOL
Uh well - it's a good story to tell #9 and #10 when they're older. ;)
Where have you been, no good stories?
Wow. That's awful! She sounds like my mom except my mom was 42 when number ten came along. And she had most of us at home, with my dad as midwife. Poor Dad. My MIL had four kids in the hospital and her doctor tried for a tubal after every one! What is wrong with some people?
Please, new stories please. A friend threw this site at me, and I am so entertained. I love it. thanks.
I recently found your blog and have spent alot of time laughing at your stories. I hope you come back and post new ones! Thanks.
I love reading your blog!!! I was brought to it while pregnant, and am eagerly awaiting your next 'arrival'! :)
Just ran across your blog today. Love it!!! I am going to link it to mine and read it all the time. I was enjoying all the recent posts. Keep up the good work. You can also visit my blog at:
P.S. I think the doc was a bit of a jerk, but the humor in your story was fun to read.
Bucking the trend here but I agree with the doctor. He shouldn't have said it, he didn't know them or their circumstances, but I agree with him.
I'm guessing he was an older dr. , they seem to have a belief they are god.
I love reading this blog....I am going to be going to school for nursing (at a ripe old age of 32...late start eh?) and have always wanted to work in labor and delivery. You're both persuading and disuading me! ;) is something I definitely have my heart in and excited to undertake...thanks for showing the REAL experience in all of your stories! Any advice?
HILARIOUS!!! God speaks to me too.. after my fifth baby, he screamed at me and said "I said stop! now, refill that prozac prescription!"
I love your blog! I found it a few months ago.. and I always look forward to more.. stop being busy! :lol: Puleeeeease!!!
love your blog..have to agree that dr. is an asshat though.
I just found your site, love it! The doctor, what an ass! I agree the couple should of repoted him. If they want to have more kids then thats their choice.
i don't know if i can take only one post a month. hope life is going well for you and you find your way back here soon!
I used to love this blog, but you don't update it too much anymore. :(
A friend of mine just sent me your post and I feel like I've written the whole thing myself. While scanning through it I can't stop laughing. From the men who refuse to give their wives epidurals to the frequent fliers who spend more hours each week at the hospitals than most of the RNs, I'm right there with you. Love it.
Miss you!! :)
Am I the only one who thinks the doctor had every right to give advice? Perhaps, he should have handled it with more sensitivity, but I think his advice is right on the money. Of course the family has the final decision and the doctor knows that. He can't force her to get a tubal - not in this country - but he can and should give advice.
After having my 6th baby this summer I'm going to get my tubes tied...because my husband and I have decided to, not some jackass doctor! I find a lot of off-color things funny-but not this one. My wonderful OB/GYN is the youngest child in a large family. He was one of the people inadvertantly encouraging to have my 6th! Imagine that!
Now that's just offensive. He should have said "get a vasectomy!"
Reminds me of House and Wilson in the MRI room. He shouldn't have done it, but I definately know I would've been struggling not to laugh too.
R U okay?! Just making sure - I miss the updates, but I am hoping all is okay with you!
I just stumbled across your blog... I really can't even remember how I got here!! Your post have me LOL for real. I love your sense of humor. I know you're busy so I'll add you to my bloglines and wait for your next post.
Take Care
Love your stories. Where are you?? Hope all is well.
Im looking for a laugh where are u?? Hope all is well
I am a new reader and read your entire blog TODAY. I am prego and tired and reading takes little effort.
I am Mormon so I've heard similarly themed stories (we are known for LOTSA kids)
My sis had 3 kids and had 4 miscarriages. Her old doc acted like "why do you need to have more?" when they wanted answers to why they were happening.
anyway, very funny, sometimes appauling stuff.
I say as long as they can support them and raise them well have as many as they want.
"Doc ... this is God ... I've also already spoken to the Ethics Committee, Americans for Civil Liberties, your supervisor and the patient's attorney ... you might want to reconsider that Jag you were going to buy ..."
There's a woman in one of my mothering groups who is pregnant with her fifth child. Conceived after .... A TUBAL. All her children were conceived while she was on BC.
I wasn't supposed to have kids, so I forgot about birth control. When the emergency room doc, buddies with my OB/GYN called him and said I was pregnant and it wasn't stomach flu, the OB's response was, "She's WHAT?!"
UPDATE! I admit, I'm a big lurker on your blog and I'm kinda sad when you don't update! You're so talented! :)
But, really, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reaing your blog.
Oh my word! How embarrassing. Funny though. :)
So, I love your blog and miss your updates. I hope everything is ok and that work has just been boring! :)
where are you? I miss your updates :(
Maybe politically incorrect, but hilarious none the less.
Please Please Please keep writing! I love your blog! I'm 37 and pregnant with my first....having complications and labeled "high risk". I need a good laugh every now and then and your observations are so very funny and real. I need a little touch with reality! (I've been through WAY too many really smart, no bed side manner doctors!!) Life has been surreal this whole pregnancy. Keep it up!!! Please!!!!
just found your site from jen lancaster's page. i love the stories! I just had a baby in april and chronicle that event in my own blog, if you're interested:
Hey just started reading your blog, I'm inspired to be a Labour and Delivery Nurse, when it I graduate from high school.
Haha this doctor amuses me, a little inappropriate but ah, perhaps he was just trying to be funny?
We all mis you! Hope all is well :)
Please keep blogging! I miss your stories! I just recently found you and read the blog from beginning to now.
I am a L&D nurse and totally know what you mean! I work in a medium sized, high-risk hospital. Inner-city. Need I say more????
Anxiously awaiting an update from L&D! Hope everything is going well for you. We love your blog here in my neck of the woods!
Missing your posts - hope all is well!
I love reading your blog- please post again soon!
Saying a little prayer for you - hoping you are okay - missing the posts!
Hope you ok.....
I guess you have been really busy.
Ok,totally inappropriate but too funny!
I'm starting to think that only normal people are having babies now, but that can't be true since my sister had one on May 20th.
GoogleReader suggested your blog to me, and I read the entire thing within about two days. And then you stopped posting. It's killing me. I hope everything is okay with you, and if it is, please remember your devout fans. We are in dire need of entertainment. Cheers!
That is hilarious! I want that doctor for my ob!!
I'll be coming back to read more!
Hey, I just found your blog tonight! Hilarious! I am a Labor and Delivery nurse also- just not practicing right now (home with two kids). I so have stories like yours; wish I would have written them down at the time! Keep up the great work!
miss your posts!!
Miss your posts soooo much! I am a l&d nurse as well, experienced may of the same patients and docs as you have! Post some more stories soon!!!
LMAO. Well I just found your blog..I know the MD was being an Ass. But I think it comes along with being a doc. Here's your Medical Degree and license to be a jerk. B
But I can admit to knowing that I would be saying the same thing. That's a WHOLE lot of kids...
Miss your post. Cme back soon!
The Married Life board wants to know if you have any placenta-eating stories. We wait with baited breath.
This is priceless! I am in tears. Post More!!!!
Where are you? I'll pay you to come back!!!
hi, I just discovered this blog. I am a nursing student, interested in maternal/child health, more specifically L&D and nursery/NICU.
I've just read through all your posts, and have been cracking up. I get to see the same crazies in the ER I work in. Please come back. :)
Someone just turned me on to your blog. I'd love to get in touch with you. I'm the pregnancy channel editor for, and I'd LOVE to post some of your archives. You'd get full credit for them, you'd still own the rights to them, and you'd just get a bit more exposure for your great blog. Email me:
Miss your posts, there were the reason to turn on my work computer in the morning. Pleas come back....
Please come back and post new stories! I hope all is well.
deb- whats more exposure for a blog that has jumped ship? makes me sad, i loved this blog. :-(
Have you relocated? It's been like 2 months now... is there a problem with the page, like someone is complaining or you're tired of sorting through comments, or did YOU get pregnant or aren't working for some reason??? IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT? I'm concerned... I think alot of others are, too. I miss your antecdotes. Today has been slow at our L&D & it's been like, 'tell a story on your craziest patient recently' day. Made me think of this blog. Bummed to see there still aren't any updates, but even more worried that something has gone awry... :( Please give us a quick update of some sort soon!
I just found your blog and absolutely loved every second of reading it - here's hoping you come back soon with lots of great stories!
Hope you are able to post soon. Miss your hilarious posts!
I would certainly say that to someone, but not if I were their doctor! That's just professionalism. As long as he's acting in the capacity of a doctor, his morals should stay out of it. When they don't, people aren't allowed to buy Plan B because of some pharmacist's personal views.
His comment was totally inappropriate! He is very rude! that is non of his business and on top of that mocking someone at their religious beliefs is not cool at all! He will learn.
Found your blog through a friend.. I'm a RN student, and just finished ob rotations.. LOVED it, and am considering persuing it as a career... love the blog!
someone had to tell this daft woman to get her tubes tied or cross her legs!
Please come back!! Hope all is well with you.
I just found this blog, and this post made me laugh so hard I almost wet myself. While I do think it was an absolutely, completely, totally inappropriate thing for that doctor to do, I can just picture this story in the comics in a newspaper or something. I can't imagine how I would respond if a doctor ever said that to me.
Post something soon! Missing your blog!!!
Oh, that made me laugh, I found this blog from someone else's and read all your posts straight through, very funny! Looking forward to reading more!
I'll tell an old one. A friend had twins whose blood type did not match either hers or her husbands (I don't know enough about blood types to elaborate.) She asked our OB (a friend of ours) who gave her a long and detained explanation about recessive genes, etc. Then as he exited the door, turned back around and said "That is, of course, IF they are Bill's."
ok, that was AWESOME!
Love your blog! Found it last night and spent an hour reading through the archives. I hope you'll start posting again.
Just came across your blog. I love what I have read thus far. Please, say that you will return soon--your last post is dated in April!!!
Where are you? Did we loose you?
Please at least just post an I'm alright post. Worried about you and love your blog.
Please come back...
I miss reading new entries from you!
^ i totally agree with alicia.
please post an "I'm alright post"
Hope all is well.
I wanted to let you know that I LOVE YOUR BLOG!
Hope you are well and to see more posts soon!!!
Your stories are great!
It seems that Christians are still persecuted.
Terribly insensitive of the doc, but HOLY HANNAH, that's HILLARIOUS. I'm sure other people thought it, but would NEVER say it out loud. Funny, thanks. No new updates recently?
Waiting for more stories with baited breath.... your fans want more!
I am starting to suffer some major withdrawls. Will you please start posting stories again? Pretty please with sugar, whipped cream, and a cherry on top? PLEASE?!
At least she didn't say with a strawberry on top :D
I agree, let us know you're okay! We miss you...
Where are you? We miss you!!!!
ohhhh, please update! i just read your entire blog and was sad to see that you haven't in MONTHS. this stuff is hilarious. please keep it coming.
Oh, how I miss you.
Please return soon. :(
I have been a reader for a while and miss your updates! Would love to add you to my blogroll when you come back!
WOW, I am SOO happy that I found your blog! I do not think the doctor is an ass, I think he is smart. I am pretty sure that God plays some roll in the whole deal...but COME ON, when you have sex you have a baby...I hate people that don't belive in birth control.
What??? What?? I just found your blog last night. I sat down and read the whole thing. I know you must have a lot of life going on...but PLEASE don't tell me you're done blogging. You had me rolling. You should write a book. :) Please come back.
It's been a long time since your last post...I'm sure SOMETHING worth sharing has happened! Love your stories, love hearing about the other side of Labor and Delivery!
It's been a long time since I've laughed as hard as I did while reading your entries! You have me even more excited, mystified, and terrified of becoming an RN in two more semesters. I start my L&D and peds rotation in August. Now I feel more prepared! You do have me wondering, however, what everyone was thinking of me when I spent a few days in antepartum at 30 wks pg. I think they liked me--they were helping me study for a micro test ;)
I look forward to reading your next entry.
I'm hoping you're still out there and not trapped under something heavy. I keep checking back and hoping for an update!
"actually cares about the world we're living in, and the overpopulation this couple is contributing to. And he's right, if these folks think god is talking to them and telling them to keep breeding, they should be treated as mentally disturbed."
If overpopulation is the problem, maybe we should have fewer kids among those who are not capable of providing for the needs of their kids. I work in an L&D and of all my patients, I am LEAST worried about the kids of the big-family religious types. They are generally very fit parents and do a good job raising kids who contribute to society.
As for the doctor in the original blog posting, it reminds me of an old (possibly tired) joke:
Q: What's the difference between God and doctors?
A: God knows he isn't a doctor.
Loved the entire site. As a fellow L&D nurse, the words you have spoken are so true. I cannot wait to share w/ family & friends. You are a better story teller than I could be. No new blogs since April? Have you quit blogging? I hope not. Thanks for the laughs.
I totally miss reading your posts? Come back soon . . . please?
Seriously? I would have died laughing!
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