Thursday, November 8, 2007

We don't want an epidural.

Excuse me? "We" is not an option for an epidural. Your wife is allowed to not want an epidural but not "we". In addition, if you tell me one more time that "we" don't want an epidural while the woman birthing your child moans in pain and looks at me with big begging eyes I may have to insert and watermelon in the only logical place so that "we" can make an informed decision.


  1. WE? What the hell is wrong with women? My husband would have been DEAD. And he knew it too!

  2. I love when I hear that one!

  3. Yeah. My husband says he secretly wanted me to try to birth without an epidural... until he saw what birth was. When my first son's 15.25 head came out after two episiotomies and a tear and I hemorrhaged afterwards, he was VERY glad that "we" wanted an epidural.tanner

  4. Men can be idiots. I love your blog. It has made me laugh out loud a couple of times. "WE" will welsome our 2nd baby in Jan, and I am making notes of what not to do!

  5. Well, in fact, if you read the "Natural Childbirth" literature, which my wife did, and decide to try it, which my wife did, they ALL say that it is the husband's job to make sure that the lure of "easy" and "pain free" medication isn't a constant force weakening your wife's resolve. So, if this woman made a decision to give birth without medication, and her husband was supportive, then he did exactly what he should have done, which was to keep you from offering an easy way out every five minutes.

  6. ...its as bad as 'we' are pregnant! Who the heck is having the the morning sickness, the stetch marks and the out of proportion stretched for ever vagina?? Gimme strenth can be pregnant too when hell freezes over!

  7. All I can say is, leave it to a man to defend this "WE" story! I'm sure the poor prego that decided on a drug/epidural-free labor did so BEFORE her uterus was contracting hard enough to expell a full-term infant! And the reason we offer every five minutes is to piss you off!!!!!!! Not to mention the fact that some of us have experienced that pain that half of "WE" never will. Ugh! Men! OK, I feel better now. :c)

  8. old post but i'm gonna support Jonathan. I told my husband the same thing.

  9. Old post but gotta support Jonathan. I told my hubby the same thing. He was to make sure the OB didn't give me an episiotomy(sp) also.

  10. So, did she get the epi or not?

  11. Anonymous26 July, 2010

    I love this so who want to take control of a situation they are not really capable of relating to or truly understanding..ahahahahahha
