Saturday, November 10, 2007

Who's your daddy?

Here's some more baby daddy drama for you.

A fairly young girl comes into L&D (think born in the 90's) with her mom and two possible father's of the baby to deliver. The girl is a little blond thing and both guys are black. I will call them Grill, and Red Shorts (RS for for short).

All through the girl's labor RS is right by her side, being very supportive. In the meantime, Grill is sulking in a chair in the corner. The girls mom makes a point of mentioning that she hopes the baby belongs to RS about every 10 minutes. Grill doesn't look happy at all.

Finally, the baby arrives and lets just say that it was obvious to all the staff that this little fair blond hair baby didn't belong to either of the guys. The new grandmother can't stop gushing on and on about how much the child looks like RS and how she just knew it would be his.

Now Grill is pissed. He gets in a huge shouting match with grandma that she doesn't know what the hell she is talking about. He is screaming that the baby doesn't belong to RS and she is obviously blind. In my mind I am slightly relieved that at least he has seen the light and pondering whether or not I need to call security. Luckily he saves me the trouble and storms out of the room.

Fast forward about an hour and a half to when I have returned from taking the baby to the nursery. I go in to check on the new mom and there is Grill, in the labor bed, spooning her (please don't make me get in to how icky that is) and telling her that he knows the baby is really his.

I guess he must have failed his genetics test too.


  1. I've had some interesting "two potential dads present" stories too.....and have always deferred my opinion on who the dad is, based on the looks of the baby. I refer them to the state's paternity testing system.

    But yes, sometimes it's very obvious who the dad is or isn't.

  2. At least once a week I answer a call for someone who needs an appointment for some testing. Why they call L&D for this I will never understand. Once we finally get it out that they are looking for a paternity test it is all I can do to not give out the number to the Maury show.

  3. Ummm, sounds really familiar ... in my old office in Michigan, we (the staff) used to watch Maury at noon, and especially enjoyed the "Who's your daddy" segments.

  4. i swear i saw this on maury yesterday.

  5. I worked in the OB/GYN clinic, and we'd run into the L&D nurses all of the time in the lunch line. We'd talk about patients, and usually it was "so and so was in last night and had her baby." Once though, two nurses cornered me and told me that they had just caught patient X in her recovery room bathroom getting her freak on. A whole 6 hours after giving birth. Vaginally. That's hot.

  6. I am in school to become what i hope to be one of the greatest (lol just kidding) damn L&D nurses. I love all you stories but this one touched home a little too much. I am a white woman married to a black man and we have 2 kids one who is very dark and one who is as white as white gets with blonde hair. You cant always judge who the father is by the color of the baby's skin or hair. Just wanted to put that in the mix and thanks for all the great stories. It makes me wanna be a nurse even more.

  7. My cousin is white as white, her boyfriend is dark as can be. Both babies are blond and blue eyed. It can happen

  8. At the church I used to attend there were a lot of mixed marriages and a lot of fair-skinned blond babies with one African-American parent. Genetics can be fun like that.

  9. Their skin can also darken over time. And what about the twins born to a bi-racial couple, and one child was dark-skinned, while the other was as fair as can be? It can happen.
